As a new boat owner, there's no denying the excitement that comes with owning your own vessel. However, as a beginner, you might have plenty of questions and concerns. Here’s everything you need to know to keep you and your passengers safe, as well as tips to help you get started on your boating adventures. Read on to learn more!

Safety First

Safety should always be a top priority when boating. One of the most important things to do before setting off is to check the weather forecast. If bad weather is on the horizon, postpone your trip till a safer time. Secondly, you should check that all your safety equipment is in good condition. This includes life jackets, fire extinguishers, navigation lights, first-aid kits, and distress signals. Ensure that all the equipment is up to date and in proper working order.

Get Proper Training

Just like driving a car, it's essential to get proper training before heading out on the water. Consider taking boating safety classes. You'll learn essential skills, such as navigation and handling, and get to know about the different types of boats and how to operate them. A beginner course will also familiarize you with boating laws and regulations, which can differ from state to state.


Taking care of your boat is essential to ensuring it stays in good condition. A poorly maintained boat can cause accidents and break down at the most inconvenient times. Regular upkeep includes checking and changing oil, replacing filters, changing spark plugs, and checking the steering system. Make sure you have a maintenance schedule and stick to it. Also, remember you clean your vessel after each outing.

Navigation and Planning

Proper navigation and planning can make your boating trip fun and stress-free. Get familiar with the location where you'll be boating by studying charts and maps. Plan your route and make note of important landmarks and navigational aids. It's also important to plan for emergencies. Make sure you have the right tools on board to fix your vessel if there's an issue. Have a backup source of communication, such as a cell phone or radio, to contact authorities in case of an emergency.

Enjoy the Ride

Remember to enjoy your boating experience. Whether it's fishing, skiing, or just lounging on the deck, boating provides a wonderful way to enjoy nature. Take advantage of this opportunity to make memories with your friends and family. The more time you spend boating, the more comfortable and confident you'll become on the water.

By prioritizing safety, getting proper training, and planning your trips, you can set yourself up for an enjoyable and safe experience. If you need maintenance help or are still looking to buy a boat, visit River City Boat Sales & Marine Services in Aurora, OR. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Wilsonville and Canby.